Records Search Help

The record database is divided into three initial database sorts for ease of use as below: –

Show Records “Sorted by Year, Show, Awards”

Judge Records “Sorted by Judge, Year, Show, Awards”

Dog Records “Sorted by Dog Name, Year, Show, Awards”

The database is extremely large so might take a few seconds for the search facility to become active.

If you click in the search box and the border around the search box turns to bold it is ready to accept search information.

Records Search HelpRecords Search Help

 As an example, if we put BOB in search box all BOB awards are shown however as one of the dogs names includes BOB this record is also shown.

Records Search Help

This can easily be solved by clicking on pointer to the right of blue box & restricting search to awards.

Records Search Help

You can add multiple searches into search box as below, as an example adding Birmingham to search box & only Birmingham bob’s will be shown.

Records Search Help

You will notice that more than one Birmingham Society are being shown, this can be overcome by providing full dog description or if you click on header title the records will be sorted by show name. Note the arrow to the right of Show this allows to search up or down. All fields can be sorted by clicking on header and normal form sort is restored upon exit.

Records Search HelpThe form only shows 18 records at a time but you can use the pagination tool at bottom of page to scroll through all available records.

Records Search Help

Please feel free to experiment with both search & sorting facilities you can always reset page by clicking on Menu again which will reload the page.